Debt community - How Nicole, a School educator With $55k in reputation Card Debt, Avoided Bankruptcy

Attorney - Debt community - How Nicole, a School educator With k in reputation Card Debt, Avoided Bankruptcy

Hello everybody. Today, I learned all about Attorney - Debt community - How Nicole, a School educator With k in reputation Card Debt, Avoided Bankruptcy. Which may be very helpful to me therefore you. Debt community - How Nicole, a School educator With k in reputation Card Debt, Avoided Bankruptcy

Why are so many people turning to debt community these days?

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According to a National Debt Relief discover I conducted in 2006 with over 10,000 people who had requested help with their reputation card debt online after searching Google, most people carrying significant debt said they were concerned in debt community because they could ultimately get out of debt as fast as possible (and stay out), live debt free, save more money, invest for retirement, go on a nice "paid-in-cash" vacation, afford a college education for their children and many other reasons unique to their own situations...

What are your reasons?

Why is it foremost for you to be debt free?

Is "debt settlement" right for you?

Maybe, maybe not.

Let's take a closer look to discover if debt community is the best option for you...

I'm about to tell you a short story to illuminate how debt community can be the best option for inescapable people. It's foremost to discover for yourself if debt community is right for you, Before you talk to a pushy sales someone trying to enroll everyone and their mother, along with you, into debt community programs these days.

This story will help you see clearly if debt community can truly "save your day", as well as avoid the tasteless mistakes most people make.


Nicole was a wife and mum of a 20-month-old baby girl, living in Virginia, making ,000 a year as a school instructor and renting her home.

Nicole had financial problems; carrying over ,000.00 in high interest reputation card debt. Her husband Steve had lost his job. The couple charged up the reputation cards to survive on Nicole's small salary alone while Steve looked for work. Before Steve began working again, they fell behind on the reputation card payments.

All the debt was in Nicole's name.

Of course, the reputation card fellowships were quick to jack up Nicole's interest rates to 20-30%, with most accounts at 29.99% interest (pure insanity). This also caused the monthly payments to jump up to an amount the couple could no longer afford, even when Steve began working again.

What did Nicole do?

Fortunately, she Avoided bankruptcy, and got on the affordable fast-track to leisure from serious amounts of splendid debt.

I'll share the details of "how" she did it below, but first let's look at a bit of tantalizing history...

You see, Nicole had previously enrolled in a reputation Counseling program, making monthly payments of ,425.00, which she couldn't afford.

The reputation consultant who enrolled her after going through her allocation of course said to Nicole, with a level face, "Can you live on negative- a month?"

What a joke!

But it wasn't funny...

Nicole dropped out of the program 2 months later, deeper in debt with even further damage to her credit.

Since dropping out of reputation Counseling (very common), Nicole had been saving up her money to pay an attorney ,800 to file episode 13 Bankruptcy, because she did not qualify for a episode 7 Bankruptcy under the new "creditor friendly" Bankruptcy Reform Act passed in October of 2005.

Can you imagine?

Remember, she only made k a year as a school teacher, rented her home and had fallen behind on k of high interest reputation card debt due to her husband's job loss... But she still didn't qualify for episode 7 Bankruptcy (where the debt is wiped out), only for episode 13 Bankruptcy (where she must repay a part of the debt).

Wait until you see the "portion" of the debt she would have had to pay back if she had filed bankruptcy, but first you've gotta hear this...

Nicole was scheduled to meet with her bankruptcy attorney on a Thursday evening, but by occasion she happened to see a inescapable "debt guru" on a Tv Talk Show earlier that same day discussing options for getting out of debt, along with debt settlement. On a whim, she called for a free debt relief guide.

After studying how reputation works and about all of her options to get out of debt, Nicole canceled her appointment with the attorney to file bankruptcy and instead she faxed in all of her current reputation card statements and budgeting worksheet to see if she distinguished for a debt community program.

Guess what happened?

Nicole found a great way!

I'll show you the details in a moment, but first let's look at what she avoided...

Nicole nearly filed episode 13 Bankruptcy (public record). She would have paid 0-,000 A Month for 60 months, on top of ,800 in fees for filing bankruptcy. That's a total cost of nearly k-k to eliminate her k of reputation card debt on a 5 Year, court-ordered repayment plan. (As quoted by her bankruptcy attorney)


Plus, the crippling influence of a bankruptcy would have remained on her reputation record for other 7 years After the date of her discharge... For a total of 12 years of major reputation damage.


Instead, Nicole learned how she could eliminate her ,000.00 of reputation card debt for a total cost of about ,280 in just 36 months with payments she could afford of only 5 a month.

You may want to Read that Again!

Nicole discovered she could avoid the shame and long-term damage of bankruptcy, save more money for her and her house than any other option ready (including bankruptcy or reputation counseling) and debt free in just 36 months (no longer be a slave to reputation card debt).

She no longer had to throw thousands of dollars a year down the toilet on interest charges.

Nicole eliminated the greatest stress she had been feeling when she didn't know what to do or how she would ever afford to get out from under an splendid amount of debt and out-of-control monthly minimum payments she plainly couldn't afford.

Best of all, "Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel" and waking up every day feeling relief from heavy debt stress helped Nicole and Steve have a great marriage, be great parents to their young daughter and focus on their wage and budgeting to get out of debt Asap, saving as much money as possible in the process.

These results are nothing extra and are typical of what can be done through debt settlement. In fact, many debt community clients are debt free even faster, averaging just 28 months. people with lump sums and high debt amounts commonly contact the best results.

If you're in financial hardship like Nicole was, then take a look at All of your options to get out of debt, along with debt settlement, but Beware of anyone contribution only one solution: Just like the bankruptcy attorney Nicole spoke with, or the reputation consultant who enrolled her in a program she couldn't afford, also watch out for anyone contribution only debt settlement.

Work with a expert who offers all options to get your out of debt, who will look out for your best interests instead of trying to sell you their solution.

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